Rockstar ReInvention is proud to introduce Rockstar Transformation: Unleash The Power In You, an innovative program to help you be the best version you can be. Your road to hope and personal improvement will focus on these essential areas:
Find Your Focus
Embrace Your Evolution
Regroup and Review
Cultivate Your Connections
Pursue Your Passion
Find Your Focus
Stress, anxiety, and unhappiness often result from failing to achieve our personal or professional goals. Your certified guide will lead you through this 10-week course based on Quality Mind's proven model incorporating:
Positive Psychology
Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP)
Ancient Philosophies
This program module combines group coaching with access to a personal custom mobile app to identify the beliefs that hold you back from success and teach you simple, practical exercises to replace your limiting beliefs with an empowering mindset. Focus your mind, and results will follow.
Embrace Your Evolution
Change can create powerful opportunities. With a renewed mindset that masters your limiting beliefs, you will focus on developing and committing to the plan to achieve your goals. Your certified guide will lead you through this 10-week course based on Quality Mind's proven model incorporating:
Positive Psychology
Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP)
Ancient Philosophies
This program module combines weekly group coaching with access to a personal custom mobile app to shape positive perspectives and teach you simple, practical exercises for positive progress towards making your dreams a reality.
Regroup and Review
Support and positive reinforcement will be crucial to your successful RockStar Transformation. Each of the courses in this program will include weekly virtual group coaching meetings and interactive tools accessible through an online learning portal or a custom mobile app.
Cultivate Your Connections
Commitment, communication, and collaboration create success. The better version of yourself will interact with other people to achieve your goals. Your certified guide will lead you through this 10-week course focused on maximizing your effectiveness in your people interactions. You will develop skills in the following areas:
Understanding your behavioral style
Recognizing the behavioral style of others
Adapting your style for more effective communication
This program module combines group coaching with access to an online learning portal to explain how people prefer to do what they do and teach you simple, practical exercises for compelling conversations and constructive collaboration.
Pursue Your Passion
Knowing your purpose can drive your passion. Release the true potential of the better version of you by understanding the why behind people's actions. Your certified guide will lead you through this 10-week course to measure your motivators and recognize how it drives behavior. You will develop skills in the following areas:
Understanding your unique driving forces
Identifying the driving forces of others
Creating methods for more effective relationships
This program module combines group coaching with access to an online learning portal to review the primary areas of motivation and teach you simple, practical exercises to fuel your purpose, passion, and progress.